Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Mummy, may I have some juice?"

I was in charge of brining juice boxes for the kids classes. And if you know anything about me plain ol' juice boxes just wouldn't cut it. And luckily I found the perfect way to dress them up for Halloween.
Aren't they just adorable?

All you need to make these cuties are white Duct Tape, hot glue, wiggle eyes and your juice boxes. Wrap the juice boxes with the tape. I tore mine in half length wise. And then start wrapping. Be sure you cut out a place for the straw. I used a hole punch. Glue on your wiggle eyes. And you have some very cute Mummies.

These were a big hit at Elizabeth's Halloween Party today.


Carrie said...

only you Carmen would take the time to make juice boxes fun and cute for everyone! I miss that!:-)

What a great idea!!! And I love the melted witches too! I have zero creativity right now...I'm glad you shared yours with us! ;-)

Christine said...

Carmen, you are just the craftiest mom ever! I love these!!

Next blog, I want to hear how you find the energy to do all these adorable things, k? ((HUGS))