Thursday, October 02, 2008

Thanks Tank Thursday

Here is what I am thankful for this week:

1. I had a good parent/teacher with Gabriel's teacher today. The comments she made were, he's a gentleman, he's kind, has lots of energy (which shows with him having to turn cards), very bright, needs to work on doing his best. I didn't hear anything that I didn't already know. He has all Outstandings except in his hand writing.

2. Matt finally went to the doctor after weeks of complaining about headaches and his ears hurting. He is now on medication for a sinus infection and allergies. Hopefully this will take care of the headaches.

3. I have loved the cooler fall weather we have been experiencing the past couple of days. All the beautiful fall colors and beautiful blue skies make me happy.

4. This week Gabriel told me that he is really enjoying reading. This brought joy to my heart. It has also brought me joy to listen to him read as he shares his new love with me, his dad, and even his little sisters.

5. Watching the kids make friends in the neighborhood. We have had kids in our backyard and front yard all week. And the kids have been playing in our neighbors yards as well. It's been fun watching them and listening to them play and laugh together.

6. This week at Target Elizabeth spotted an Elmo shirt. She was so excited about it that she tried to throw herself out of the shopping cart to get it. I bought it for her and she kept pointing to it and saying Elmo. Once we got it home she carried it around showing it to everyone. It still makes me smile just thinking about her excitement over a simple shirt.

7. I am thankful for the new hairdo that Abby gave me today.

1 comment:

Jane Anne said...

New hairdo from Abby? You will have to post pictures of that!