Every week I start this wondering what I am going to write and as I write I think of more and more things that I have to be thankful for. I am so glad that I joined my blogging friend in this exercise. I hope that you sit down and take a moment to be thankful with me.
Bible Study: In the new year I took a leap and joined a Bible study at the church where my girls attend preschool. I have enjoyed this study very much and am getting so much out of it. I am so glad that I decided to do this study. Btw, it's the Beth Moore Fruit of the Spirit Study.
The little moments: The other night as I was washing dishes and listening to the kids fight over telling Matt about their day or what they were doing that moment I realized that I will one day miss the fighting, constant chatter, and laughter. I has been stressed but as I came to this realization I smiled and relaxed. I will one day miss all these little things when my children are grown. So, in the mean time I will try to enjoy all the moments that they bring to my life.
Birthday Excitement: A week from tomorrow Abby will be turning 5. I can't believe it has been five years all ready. For her it seems like forever. She has been asking for months if her birthday is tomorrow. Now with it just a week away it seems like her excitement is unbearable.
Kindergarten: Along with Abby's 5th birthday comes Kindergarten. Registration starts on Monday and Abby couldn't be happier. Now I just have to get her to understand that she has to wait until August before Kindergarten starts.
Swimming Lessons: Both of the older kids started swimming lessons last week. And they are loving it. I was surprised at how much both kids had forgotten from last summer. I am really glad that we decided to do lessons now so that when we open the pool in a couple of months the kids will be ready for swimming.
Crafts: With Abby always wanting to make something I have been more diligent in getting out all those craft supplies lately. We have made window clings, flowers, drawings, books and more in the past couple of weeks. And Abby is loving every minute of it. This weekend I plan on Gabriel making his bird feeders and frame for boy scouts. I am thankful that they are enjoying activities that require more than watching tv does.
Cooking: I've been trying to include one of the kids in cooking dinner at night. It could be as simple as dumping cans into the crock pot or cracking an egg but they seem to be enjoying it.
Hot Tea: I know I've said this before bu I love my hot tea at night. It seems to relax me and be the perfect end to my day. It's kinda like my clue that I am home for the evening with my family.
Pictures: I am thankful for all the wonderful pictures I have of my family and friends. As I have begun working on this years Photobook I have realized that we have shared so many wonderful times together. And it's wonderful to look back and see the changes in the kids. I love pictures.
1 comment:
I love your Thanks Tank! I read it yesterday but I am just getting a chance to comment. I especially appreciate that you are thankful for the little moments. Those are just priceless and I think you are right- we will miss the chaos one day. I hope you get as much out of this exercise as I do!
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