Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Gabriel!!!

Today Gabriel turns 6. We are celebrating his birthday as a family today. We also are taking cupcakes to share with his classmates at school. Then on Saturday we are having his friend party at the Gymnastics center. It will be a whole lot of fun. Gabriel is so excited to be turning 6. He is growing up so fast and is more like Matt everyday. I can't imagine life without this sweet, handsome boy who has captured my heart. I keep telling him he is growing too fast. And then I have to remind him that he will always be my baby no matter how big he gets. The years have really seemed to fly by. I wish that the years would slow down so that I could enjoy them more. And since they won't I will continue to record snipits of his life and take lots of pictures. And then one day I will put all of those together so that both he and I and the rest of the family can remember them. This morning we started our day by singing him "Happy Birthday" when he got up. He had special birthday badge to wear to school. We will join him at school later and then will meet Matt for the lunch of Gabriel's choice. Tonight we will have a dinner of Hot dogs, broccoli and apples, his choice. And then we will have dirt cupcakes for dessert, he doesn't know about these and I hope to keep it that way. After that we will open presents. I will post pictures of our day later.

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