Sunday, July 30, 2006

Leg Cramps

Friday afternoon during my short interrupted cat nap I experienced a leg cramp, commonly known as a "Charlie Horse". And since said leg cramp occured my leg has been hurting to the point that simpily walking around the house hurts. I have tried a hot bath, ice and heat, stretching and Matt has even rubbed it though it was painful. If anyone has any thoughts on how to get the pain to go away I would love the advice. Normally I would take some Advil since it is an anti-inflammitory but since I am pregnant that is not allowed. So please send along your advice. And of course the last Charlie horse I had was when I was pregnant with Abby.


Dji said...

Eat a banana and drink a glass of milk.

You get leg cramps when you're lacking in something. I think it's potassium.... but a quick web search says it's calcium.

Anonymous said...

captain stomack- is on the right track. your not lacking tylenol or asprin that's for sure, pregant or not. maybe stretching and the other nutrients as c.stomack said. Swimming may help.

Carmom said...

The only reason I wanted Advil was to take some of the pain away. My leg was really hurting. Swimming is a good idea but it also a lot of work with two kids who either can't swim or are barely swimming.