Today is Abby's 5th Birthday, which is so exciting for her. In her mind turning 5 makes her a big girl. For myself, I just can't believe all the mixed feelings of joy and sadness I am experiencing. My little girl, my baby, is no longer so little. She has such energy, joy, and sassiness. Which are all things that make Abby who she is. She is helpful, kindhearted, and loving to all. I just can't imagine what my life would be without this child that God has given me to love, nurture and cherish. My little girl so sweet is now 5 and she just sees the excitement of her birthday with cake and presents while it takes me back to all the days before. So I would like to share with you a small glimpse of the past 5 years.

This is Abby shortly after her birth. She is all cleaned up and visiting with all our friends and family. Isn't she beautiful.

This is Abby's 1st Birthday Dinner of Spaghetti. This was one of her favorite foods when she was younger. And it still is today.

Abby's 2nd Birthday. She received so many balloons that year. And loved every single one of them.

This is Abby's 3rd Birthday. My parents came up for a visit and we took Abby to one of her favorite resturants, Bob Evans, for breakfast. She lapped up all the attention she got with her birthday hat.

This is Abby's 4th Birthday and her first friend party. She decided to have her birthday at the Gymnastics center. While blowing out the candles her hair caught on fire. It taught us to always pull her hair back.

And this is from this morning. She came down to a decorated kitchen and one present to open this morning. She was so excited and in her words surprised to see the kitchen decorated, even though we do it for each birthday. And boy was she excited to once again wear the birthday hat. She even wore it to school.
Aww, it is sad to see how big she is, but so cute!
Emily is looking at her pictures with me, and she said, "Remember when Abby's hair caught on fire?" ha ha! She remembers that too!
Happy birthday Abby!
It was fun to see the pictures from each year! We decorate our kitchen and living room area so the kids can wake up to a "surprise". That has proved to be a fun and well-loved tradition.
Have fun today!
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