Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Crazy, Insane Me

Today we were supose to have our end of the year MOPS picnic. We usually have it on the church playground so the kids can play in a fenced area and we can talk about our summer plans. This year though we got rained out. And me being me invited everyone over to our house to picnic in our garage and to play throughout the entire house. Talk about chaos. We had at least 10 moms with at least 1 child each but most with two eating and playing in our house. When I suggested it everyone was in doubt that I was serious. I don't think any of them would dream of inviting that many to play inside their homes. I didn't see a huge issue with it. The house is child friendly for the most part and everyone does a good job of helping each other out by watching out for each others kids. I even had a mom change Elizabeth's dirty diaper for me. And it all did work out and the house wasn't trashed too badly either. It really doesn't look any worse than any other rainy day when the kids are stuck in the house. We will have to get Matt's opinion on that when he gets home. We had fun and that was really all that mattered.

1 comment:

Jane Anne said...

I wish I could be more like that! That's wonderful!! You blessed so many moms by being open and spontaneous.