Thursday, June 08, 2006

Etsuko's Blog

Etsuko has been blogging for several weeks now and I am just now getting around to linking her on my blog. She is leaving for Japan on Sunday and will not be back until the middle of July, so she probably will not be blogging very much in the next month but who knows? Go and check out her blog and the pictures of my cute nephews.

Etsuko, I hope you have a safe trip and that the boys behave for you. Benadryl could work wonders on such a long flight (that is as long as it doesn't wire them.) I will be thinking about you.


Anonymous said...

Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

Benadryl, Yes!! I bought it today. I hope my boys will sleep well in the airplain.

Anonymous said...

I think you misspelled airplane. I think it is spelled a-i-r-p-a-i-n. Airpain.

Yeah, that's it. :D