Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Side Effect of High Gas Prices and Living Away From Family

Last night my sister called to tell me she had scheduled the date for her youngest to be dedicated to the church. The date will be Labor Day weekend. His birthday is the 8th and his sister's is the 25th of September. Before we moved this would not have been a problem but now with such a long trip and gas prices so high I have to choose when we want to go to Chattanooga to celebrate with the family. I would love to make the trip for both the party and dedication but with gas prices being $2.76 here in Indiana it's just getting to expensive to travel anywhere. Even when at home I try to make my outings all to the same area of town so to save money in gas. If we were still in Murfreesboro, TN it would be more fesible to travel more often but it would still be quite expensive. I hope prices drop soon but I am not holding my breath.

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