Thursday, July 28, 2005

School for Gabe, Abby, and Matt

Last week I told Gabriel that he would be going back to school at the end of August. Since then he asks about school everyday. He is really looking forward to it. I just hope he is not disappointed to find that his old friends and teachers are not there. Abby will be going to the same school and will be in the toddlers/walkers class. This will give her some socialization that I feel she really needs. Both kids will be going on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is a Mother's Day Out Program through a church we have been attending.

Matt is working on getting all his paper work into IU (Indiana University) so that he can go back to work on getting his Mastersin Business Administration. He is hoping to get enrolled in any prerequisite class he will need to take for this fall and then start his Masters in the spring. I hope he is able to get enrolled and start those classes so that he feels he is accomplishing something. I wish him lots of luck.

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