Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Family health update

Matt went to the dermotologist yesterday and the doctor did not find any new spot to be removed. Matt will be going to the doctor every 6 months to be checked out for life.

Matt is also still not feeling well. He got the stomach virus that Gabe started and Aunt Lucy finished. I am beginning to wonder if it is not the strep virus. Matt will be going to the doctor tomorrow.

Abby is on antibiotics to get rid of her new ear infection. I am beginning to really look forward to tubes. Though I also hope it doesn't cause more problems than it fixes.

Gabe is doing just fine. He bounces back quickly and half the time you never know when he is sick.

I am not and have not been sick. I do have a dermotologist appointment on the 17th to have a spot of my own looked at and also one on the 10th with a sergeon to have the muscle mass looked at as well. Hopefully both will be just fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

strep is a bacteria.

I don't have strep (culture negative).

I do have infection (antibiotics, yay!)