Sunday, December 18, 2005

It's Hard to Make Everyone Happy

I realized several years ago that when it comes to the holidays and grandchildren grandparents just can't get enough time. It has been very hard to make plans and not feel guiltly about the amount of time we spend at each house. We, well mainly me, have tried very hard to make our travel plans work with that of siblings and grandparents. When Matt and I first got married we agreed to rotate Christmas and Thanksgiving each year. This worked well until we had children and then we wanted to stay home for Christmas in order for the children to enjoy their gifts. So then grandparents were invited to spend Christmas with us on a rotating schedule. Well now that we are much farther away and don't get to visit family as often it has become even harder. It's hard to make our plans and not feel like someone is getting the short end of the stick. It is mainly my feelings and not those of Matt or of anyone else voicing that they are dissatified. I guess it is a trait of my personality showing through. I try very hard to make everyone happy around me and sometimes I let the little things bother me too much. But the holidays will be a happy one and I look forward to spend time with both families.

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